In today’s saturated marketplace, a company must leverage their sales organization and sales strategy to gain a competitive advantage. Our services begin with assessing and/or designing your company’s overall sales blueprint, then helping organize and direct your sales force to execute that approach. brandivate assists with tactical methods of reinforcement to drive sales behavior and ensure that your sales force is positioned to succeed through post-sales support.
The strategic menu of services are "off the shelf" solutions that are easily defined and where we openly share our pricing. Conversely, the creative menu are solutions that are a bit more customized and fluid which requires a bit more discussion to appropriately quote.
Whether you need strategic services or a more creative approach to sales, brandivate assists with tactical methods of reinforcement to drive sales behavior and ensure that your sales force is positioned to succeed and create lasting relationships.
Sales Strategy (as quoted)
Lead generation
Customized sales approach
Specific roles within organizations to target
Building loyalty
Eliminating friction
Sales goals and metrics
Ensure alignment with marketing strategy
RFP Response (as quoted)
Cover letter
Executive summary
Deliverables and strategy
Telling of brand story (the "why")
Coordination with client to ensure consistency
Sales Strategy (as quoted)
Lead generation
Customized sales approach
Specific roles within organizations to target
Building loyalty
Eliminating friction
Sales goals and metrics
Ensure alignment with marketing strategy
RFP Response (as quoted)
Cover letter
Executive summary
Deliverables and strategy
Telling of brand story (the "why")
Coordination with client to ensure consistency